A downloadable game


You (The player) have gotten into Roxys FunTime Diner to do secret investigating about the child that went missing months ago. All you know is that murder happened. However, It wasn't a person, and it wasn't an animal, so what could it be? Who knew wandering into a restricted area (The office) would give them all the answers. Answers they might have not wanted to know.


Roxys FunTime Diner is a fnaf fangame produced by @GothicDeath, This fnaf fan game has voice acting, story, mystery and horror. You will face 5 deadly animatronics for 5 nights each night getting harder. 


Voice Actors {Instagram}

Kiwi Ferret | @alitteolgoodbean

Lulu {Little Girl} | @shortie.cosplaysuwu

Berry Bat | @fragile_bean_cos

Snow Fox | @creampuff.cos

Phantom Fox | @shslchair

Roxy Wolf | @berry.coz {Tic Tok Only}

Voice One The Phone #1 |@Gothicdeath.cos or @http.edgelord

Voice On The Phone #2 | @Dangandork {Discord Only}



Game Developer | tayabjamil {Fiverr}

Game Producer |@Gothicdeath.cos or @http.edgelord


Music Producers

Title Screen Track By | @Godricsriddle {Fiverr}

In Game Track By | @Horribleguy {Fiverr}


I Hope You Will All Enjoy The Show...